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Change the world


Can you sew? Do you have material? Are you available to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus by making masks?

Nelson Mandela University, like so many others, has responded to the national call to make masks for all South Africa’s people in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic through its MaskUpMandela movement.

If you are able to volunteer your time and sewing talent in making masks (download a pattern as well as the instructions from our Department of Fashion and Textile Design), please complete the volunteer form on the Together We Can page

Similarly, if you are an entrepreneur or an SMME who could offer your business acumen at competitive rates in support of the COVID-19 mask project, please also fill in the form.

Whether you are able to make 30 to 300 000 masks, your contribution will be much appreciated since the wearing of masks in public is compulsory as it prevents the spread of the virus.

Similarly, if you are able to help with collection and/or distribution of masks, or know of communities in desperate need of masks, please let us know.

If you have material or old linen or clothing that you donate to be transformed into masks, please also complete the form as the University is helping to facilitate all these mask-making and distribution initiatives in partnership with others.

We look forward to hearing from you.

In the interim, please get sewing.

Communication and Marketing

Contact information
Ms Debbie Mattheus
Training Co-ordinator
Tel: 060 369 9512