The UADS unit recently hosted an on-campus vaccination march to raise awareness of the importance of getting vaccinated. On-campus activities play an important role in student life and development and UADS would like these activities to return to normal as soon as possible for students to enjoy their time at Mandela University. Getting vaccinated plays an integral part in achieving this.
The colourful, eye-catching banner, which was the artwork of the UADS staff and students, was marched from the University's South Campus to North Campus.
The UADS unit is a dedicated unit that serves the needs of differently-able students at Mandela Uni, including providing concessions for exams and tests, accessible transport and assistive devices. It is currently assisting 326 students.
COVID has impacted negatively on most students for over a year and caused further restrictions to the differently-abled students, who may already feel disadvantaged in achieving academic success. The vaccination enables them to integrate back into university life and minimise the threat that COVID-19 has.
#StaySafe #UseYourMask #AvoidCrowds #Distance #Sanitise #GETVACCINATED