Having considered all the information about the adjusted COVID-19 Alert Level 3, we are confident that we have the necessary protocols in place to safely proceed with our planned activities in January and February 2021 as communicated to you in December 2020.
University activities resume on 04 January 2021.
Those who can work, or study, remotely should continue to do so to keep on-campus numbers to a minimum. Staff should check-in with line managers in this regard.
Residences will re-open on 10 January 2021. Each of the returning students will need to quarantine for 10 days in their respective residence on their return to campus as per the University’s protocols (see Students Returning to Campus in 2021).
All students returning to residences and campuses are reminded that in accepting the conditions to return, you have committed to practising safe health-related and social behaviours and COVID-19 requirements and that you will not participate in off campus activities that are risky.
Academic activities will largely resume on 11 January 2021 and will continue to be a blend of online Learning and Teaching of content, online assessments, limited contact sessions for experiential learning and some mask-to-mask assessments and exams (see December Student Letter). Your lecturers will let you know what work you need to do to complete your modules. All contact sessions will employ strict COVID-19 health protocols, with no more than 50% capacity per venue, to a maximum of 50 people.
The University will be using the same December 2020 processes and protocols for returning to campus in 2021. All staff, students and visitors to any of our campuses will be expected to comply with COVID-19 protocols, including the mandatory wearing of a face mask, physical and social distancing, hand sanitising and limits on the number of persons in a confined space.
Anyone returning to campus, should please use the Daily Health Screening App, which can be accessed from our dedicated COVID-19 Returning to Campus page.
In addition, the DHET encourages all staff and students to download the COVID Alert SA App to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The above information would hold true even if the current Alert Level 3 regulations are extended beyond their termination date of 15 January 2021.
Finally, a reminder that the Alert Level 3 curfew times are from 21:00pm to 06:00am and that no person may be outside their place of residence during curfew.
It is in our hands to remain vigilant and do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Communication and Marketing
Coronavirus Task Team (CTT)