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Theoreticians and experimentalists from the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, and researchers based at South African universities and iThemba LABS, will join one another at the second SA-JINR workshop on theory and computation in Gqebera.   


Enhancing collaborations between the two groups, Nelson Mandela University will be hosting the workshop from 5 to 8 December 2023.

Another key activity of the workshop is to also foster public interest in the fundamental science behind subatomic matter, and the potential impact of scientific knowledge on us as human beings. A special public lecture on the topic of “The Science, Innovation, and Technology behind Nuclear and Particle Physics” will be held on 7 December 2023.

Plenary talks by invited speakers and discussion sessions on various topics in theoretical, computational, and experimental physics, will be included.

Some of the workshop participants from the JINR will also present lectures to postgraduate students participating in the 2023/2024 Nelson Mandela University-NITheCS Summer Study and Research Programme, held at the University from 27 November to 22 December 2023.

South Africa has been an associate member of the JINR since 2005. This membership provides South African-based researchers access to state-of-the-art research facilities at the JINR.

Many South African researchers and students have been to the JINR, since the start of the associate membership, which resulted in several South African students completing MSc and PhD degrees based on the projects done within the SA-JINR collaboration.

The collaboration contributes to human capacity development initiatives that aim to grow the next generation of researchers in areas identified as critical skills in South Africa.

There are plans to enhance this collaboration to improve skills and technology transfer programmes that could benefit South African postgraduate students and emerging researchers.

The first South Africa-JINR Theory and Computational Physics Workshop was hosted by Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape in January 2020.

Contact information
Primarashni Gower
Director: Communication
Tel: 0415043057