The paper and poster “Assessing the Effectiveness of Encapsulation Schemes for Perovskite Devices Using Photoluminescence Imaging” were presented by the NPL’s George Koutsourakis (in the photo), with additional scientists involved in this work, James Blakesley and Fernando Castro.
The work presented a novel multispectral large area photoluminescence imaging system, utilised for evaluating encapsulation of emerging perovskite photovoltaic devices under different stress conditions.
This forms part of the Ultra-Sealing for Photovoltaics Innovate UK project, in which UK companies Dycotec Materials Ltd and Precision Varionic International are developing new encapsulation schemes for emerging perovskite devices.
NPL delivers large area luminescence imaging and accelerated stress test capabilities for the project while Nelson Mandela University also provides luminescence imaging, outdoor exposure of samples for testing under realistic conditions and levelised cost of electricity modelling.