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Change the world

Engagement Excellence Awards - (The Humanities) Award 2

Prof Andrea Hurst

The Tributaries Project

The Tributaries Project (2019) entailed an art-meets-philosophy seminar series and an art-meets-science engagement project, linking social and ecological issues.  A temporary, “Tributaries” community with a shared ecological concern, namely “Water” experienced a unique three-day water-pilgrimage.  The group moved along the industrialised coastline, including the Driftsands treatment works, up  the poisoned Swartkops Estuary, ending at the sacred pure source of Swartkops River in the Groendal Wilderness Area. The group’s experiences culminated in art, journal articles, poetry and stories, shared at various events.

In spite of it all, there is something to be said for the human spirit and for sharing the human adventure.