Traffic authorities will be in attendance, along with additional security personnel to enable the smooth flow of traffic, but the sheer volume of vehicles and limited parking means those attending are advised to build extra time into their journey.
Student How2buddies in the navy T-shirts will also be on hand to assist visitors in reaching their respective destination as the Welcoming Ceremony and following meet-and-greet sessions will take place in 19 different venues (see list on the right of this page).
The event will be livestreamed into all 19 venues with an upbeat pre-programme starting at 8.45am and can be accessed via the internet on This facility is also to assist those new students who are not able to attend, to learn more about the University and what is expected of them.
In addition:
NSFAS senior students
The majority of senior NSFAS students may now register as the Government loan scheme organisation has finally provided Nelson Mandela University with the relevant information. These students can register online or, if necessary, come to the University next week for assistance in the process.
Please note that NSFAS only funds undergraduate students studying towards their first qualification.
Students who intend studying for a postgraduate course that requires practise in a professional field e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Education and certain BTech programmes, may also be funded by NSFAS (see list on the right of this page). No other postgraduate courses are funded by NSFAS. Furthermore, diploma students who are accepted for postgraduate courses are also not funded by NSFAS, e.g. Adv Diploma Management.
Also, please note that if you were an undergraduate NSFAS-funded student who wishes to enrol for a postgraduate course that is not funded by NSFAS, you will be allowed to register without having to pay the required down payment.
Student Access Working Group