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Change the world


A meeting between the Nelson Mandela University’s Student Representative Council (SRC) and senior members of management is underway to discuss challenges arising from the national call for shutdown across the higher education sector.

Both the University’s North and South campus entrances were barricaded to vehicles early this morning following the call by the South African Union of Students (SAUS) to shut all 26 universities until various demands, particularly relating to funding challenges, are met.

Start of year plans adapted

Mindful of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) shortfall in funding and other challenges raised nationally by students in the past few weeks, Nelson Mandela University has been working with the student body in addressing some of these concerns.

The University has already extended the registration period and adapted its  plans for the start of new academic year. The first-year orientation programme, for example, has been extended to this week, to continue preparing students for online and mask-to-mask classes.

Practical support

From a practical perspective, Mandela University staff have been on campus to offer support and guidance to students, especially first-years and their parents, some whom arrived today.

Seek guidance from line managers and lecturers

Staff are requested to liaise directly with their line managers in terms of direction for today, while students can expect to hear from their faculties.

COVID-19 protocols

Even while we grapple to address the very real challenges raised by students, please be ever mindful of adhering to COVID-19 protocols by always wearing your mask, practicing social distancing and good health hygiene.

Everyone’s safety continues to be the institution’s overriding priority.

Communication and Marketing

Contact information
Ms Zandile Mbabela
Media Manager
Tel: 0415042777