The committee is composed of 10 members of civil society, two councillors and three Metro Police officials. The main function of the committee, which is established in terms of the SA Police Services Act, is to conduct civilian oversight of the Metro Police. It also advises the municipal council on matters relating to the municipal police service, including accountability and transparency, and the implementation of policy and directives. It also evaluates the functioning of the service.
“The Faculty of Law offers qualifications in criminal justice and law enforcement and serving on the committee creates a direct link between academia and the practical aspects of enforcement, the prevention of abuse of power and ensuring adherence to the obligations imposed by the Constitution,” Prof Van As says.

SERVICE TO CITY … Centre for Law in Action Director Prof Hennie van As (middle) and Faculty of Law colleagues Prof Aifheli Tshivhase (left), the Head of Department: Criminal & Procedural Law, and Tina Hokwana (right).