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The University obtained a final interdict from the High Court on 19 June 2018. The main purpose of the interdict is to protect the rights and safety of those who wish to access the University to work or pursue their studies, whilst also allowing for the right to protest in accordance with the conditions set out in the interdict. 

These include that protesting students conduct themselves in a manner that does not:

-  interfere with, obstruct or disrupt university and academic activity;
-  damage property;
-  contravene University rules;
-  intimidate other students or staff.
This is a final order, which the University has elected to to activate and service thereof has been effected by the Sheriff of the Court on Wednesday, 6 March 2019, in accordance with clause 4 of the aforesaid order.
Any contravention of this final order, shall be in direct contempt of the court, and may lead to both criminal and disciplinary action.
The Interdict and an explanation thereof is downloadable from this page.
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Ms Zandile Mbabela
Media Manager
Tel: 0415042777

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