The event was the second part of four of the Freediving World Cup competition held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
On the first day of the competition, Gletwyn announced a national record attempt of 58 meters in the “no fins” discipline (vertical breaststroke). Though his dive was strong, he made a small, but costly mistake in the post-dive surface protocol. Athletes must make an “ok” sign and then say “I am ok”. He did them at the same time and the result was a disqualification (red card).
On day two, he added 5m to his national record of 75m set in May this year in the discipline of “freediving with two flippers” (CWTB).
He then went on to earn a white card (clean performance, no deductions) in his third national record attempt at the event and set a new national record of 81m in free immersion. In this discipline the athlete wears no flippers and may pull on the rope to cover the distance.
Having been disqualified on the first day, he lost the opportunity to place well in the competition, so opted to use the last day to attempt a personal goal of 85m using the bi-fins. Attempting your deepest dive on the last day is somewhat risky due to accumulated fatigue, but his legs had rested for the previous two days and the dive was a success. So Dr Rubidge returned with two national records and two personal best dives!