Change the world


Nelson Mandela University is taking “studentpreneurship” beyond the classroom with a new Emergence of Innovators programme, to run over six weeks from now until September.


Student entrepreneur Akalambo Fidel Mabolabola and student entrepreneurship specialist Karen Snyman launched the Emergence of Innovators programme at the University’s Innovation Indaba. Students, staff and business figures.  


The programme was launched at the first Innovation Indaba, hosted by Madibaz Youth Entrepreneurship Lab (MYEL), at the Second Avenue Campus of Nelson Mandela University on Friday 26 July.

“We need to change the narrative of, ‘the youth is the future’, we are the present and we can’t let our dreams pass us by”, said MYEL assistant Fidel Mabolabola.

Running until September, Emergence of Innovators aims to empower students to creatively and innovatively envisage solutions for challenges and simultaneously cultivate and foster an entrepreneurial mindset.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching Dr Muki Moeng spoke at the launch, saying the programme was not merely a “nice to have”, but was aligned to the Mandela University strategy as an institution of higher learning.

“We should never underestimate our innovation streak as South Africans,” she said. “The need to instill agency in our students includes the agency of change, social justice and hope in the work that they do.

“We (Nelson Mandela University) have the responsibility to foster the development of innovative, socially responsible, problem solving and self-sufficient students.”

Emergence of Innovators will induct the first cohort of 30 students to the values of Mandela University, with each masterclass designed to be interactive, engaging and provide practical insights applicable to real-world entrepreneurial challenges.

The programme aims to:

  • Cultivate entrepreneurial mindsets in Mandela University students, with a firm belief that igniting entrepreneurial passion to enhance entrepreneurially active students
  • Enhance innovative and design thinking as we develop business and entrepreneurship skills throughout different disciplines.
  • Cultivate a new generation of visionary entrepreneurs who can harness their creativity to drive positive change and economic growth in Africa.
  • Empower aspiring entrepreneurs to develop innovative solutions for Africa's challenges.
  • Enhance interdisciplinary approaches to “studentpreneurship” throughout different


“I applied to be part of this programme because while I have started businesses before, and I need the skills to maintain business longevity,” said Sallie Botha, a participant and third-year Business Management and Economics student.

Another participant, final year BSc Microbiology and Physiology student Londeka Mgabhi also welcomed the opportunity: “I want to leave Mandela University as a business-minded scientist.”

The programme scope will cover:

  • An introduction to entrepreneurship
  • Design thinking
  • Financial literacy
  • Pitching and presentation skills.

It will conclude with a pitching competition, which offers participants a unique chance to put their work what they have learnt on the programme into practice. It would also validate their ideas, build credibility and work on improving their business models if needed.

“In entrepreneurship, it is who you surround yourself with that will make it successful,” said MYEL student entrepreneurship specialist Karen Snyman.

She said the participants will be expected to develop an Afrocentric solution to global problems, guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This also encapsulates Agenda 2063, a shared ambitious vision for inclusive growth and sustainable development for Africa.

Contact information
Primarashni Gower
Director: Communication
Tel: 0415043057