Notable strides have been made in addressing some of the perennial challenges that arise at the start of every academic year, which aimed at offsetting the successful registration of admitted and academically deserving students.
As the extended registration period ends, the University is encouraged to see that more than 31 000 students are enrolled for the current academic year. This figure surpasses that of the 2020 and 2021 academic years, which were at 29 492 and 30 124, respectively.
As at Wednesday, 09 March 2022, the University’s registration stats surpassed the targeted 30 953, with a total 31 295 students having successfully registered. Of these, 28 370 are undergraduate students and 2 925 are for postgraduate study.
Registration stats for first year students is at a record high of 10 308, of which 8 618 are first-time entering students. This is up 2 266 (22%) and 2 646 (30%), respectively, from last year.
Financial Aid
To date, a total 26 221 students have been given statuses and cleared for registration, while 550 students are in the process of being cleared and are now appearing on the funded list. Of the total number, 21 936 students are cleared for accommodation.
Staff from the University’s Financial Aid office also met with the National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) on 08 and 09 March 2022 towards resolving the remaining funding issues. While some of these have been addressed and the outcomes being implemented, the University is awaiting further correspondence from NSFAS on the others.
Merit awards
A total of 3 522 scholar merit statuses were awarded, with 1 088 of these students registered. Student merit statuses currently stand at 2 201, of which 2 121 are registered. Postgraduate scholarship awards were granted to 1 351 students, with 1 091 registered.
Other bursaries
NSFAS Prefunder: 487
External Funding through Strategic Resource Mobilisation and Advancement Office (SRMA): 462
Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship: 4
Sport: 105
As at Wednesday, 09 March 2022, the University had received 9206 applications for financial concessions for qualifying students up to and including the “missing middle” students (whose household income is more than R350 000 and less than R600 000), with 6261 applications approved.
A number of those approved (2 377) were ultimately funded by NSFAS and have since fallen off the list. A total 728 applications were unsuccessful due to students not meeting the criteria. To date, 381 concession appeals have been approved and the outcomes communicated to applicants. The office is working to finalise the assessment of the final cohort of appeals.
A significant amount of work from staff and student leaders has gone into ensuring that some of the hinderances to students’ successful registration are addressed.
Students are reminded that any registration needed after the late registration closure date (11 March 2022) will be dealt with in terms of a special dispensation where students will have to complete a late request form, motivate why they could not register on time and submit same via their Faculty Academic Administration Office. These will be considered by the Faculty Academic Administration Office and Academic Administration.
It is the University’s wish that through the various internal structures and mechanisms established, any and all issues are attended to as per the existing engagement protocols, towards a positive Mandela University experience for all.
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