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Nelson Mandela University Marine Engineering lecturer Boswell Lungisa Douse was awarded his Master of Science degree in Naval Architecture in December 2017 from the University of Southampton with his dissertation focussing on the loss of stability of the H.M.H.S Britannic, the sister ship of the S.S Titanic. Part of his research was to investigate the sinking of the H.M.H.S Britannic.

Boswell, who graduated with a BTech in Mechanical Engineering in 2015, served at numerous companies in the automotive industry in and around Port Elizabeth. He then re-joined Nelson Mandela University in 2016, when he was appointed on the DHET’s nGap programme, as a lecturer on the new B Eng Tech Marine Engineering programme with a specialisation in Naval Architecture. This new qualification was developed by Nelson Mandela University in collaboration with the merSETA.

The merSETA, in collaboration with the Advanced Mechatronic Technology Centre (AMTC), has an MOU with Nelson Mandela University, which focusses on skills development related to marine engineering as well as the development of human resources and qualifications in marine engineering in the Eastern Cape. The merSETA Programme enrolled Boswell for a Master’s degree in Naval Architecture at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, in preparation for the commencement of the BEng Tech in Marine Engineering in February 2018.

Boswell is currently registering for a PhD in Naval Architecture at the University of Southampton and is ready to share his expertise with his students. 

INTERNATIONAL LINKS … Executive Dean of Engineering, the Built Environment and IT, Dr Oswald Franks (right) congratulates Marine Engineering lecturer Boswell Douse on his MSc in Naval Architecture. 

Contact information
Ms Zandile Mbabela
Media Manager
Tel: 0415042777