Staff and students must be in possession of an ePermit to be able to work, study or live on campus to enable the effective monitoring of numbers in line with COVID-19 compliance regulations.
The ePermit link has been forwarded to all new finally-accepted students and those senior students who had permits last year (some 12967 invites as at 17 March) to enable a smooth transition towards registration, orientation and the start of the academic activities.
Permit Link
Students have to accept a set of terms and conditions relating to expected behaviours under the present pandemic protocols, which has been send to them via email or text message or both.
Students should check their emails and click on the ePermit link, after which the ePermit is automatically emailed or downloadable to their cellphones.
For those who have missed the emails sent to the students’ university email or private email in terms of new students who are not yet registered, the link to accept terms and conditions and to re-request a permit is included here for convenience:
First-Year Students
To date, 1216 of the 5201 newly-registered first-year students have e-Permits, bearing in mind that many are still not registered and not all students need to come to campus. As highlighted, learning and teaching will take place online wherever this is possible until at least the second semester because of safety concerns.
Senior Students
As shared, all students who received permits in 2020, have been re-issued with permits for 2021. Students simply need to check their mails to find the link for 2021 permit.
Unregistered Students
Students who have been unable to register for whatever reason but who is either a senior student or a new student who has accepted the offer to study at Mandela University, could use their acceptance confirmation status or student card respectively to access campus until they have accepted the conditions for the issuing of a permit.
Please note, that all qualifying finally accepted students received ePermit invites.
Part-time and Short Learning Programme students
Faculties that have part-time and/or short learning programme students who may need to be on campus for their studies should request their lecturers to send their student details to the Faculty Academic Administration Manager for the Faculty to enable the issuing of permits via the normal email channel. Arrangements will then be made to share the permit link directly with these students.
In need of a permit?
For students who, for whatever reason, have not been included in the above groups, but who need to be on any one of the University’s campuses, should please contact your Faculty Academic Administration Consultant. They, in turn, will liaise with ICT Services, for forward the ePermit link.
Sharing of ePermits for entry
The ePermits can be printed or are downloadable to cellphones for sharing when arriving on campus. In addition, all permit information is captured on the morpho tablets used by Protection Services staff when swiping staff or student cards.
Coronavirus Task Team
Academic Administration, ICT Services and Communication Workstreams