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Reasons to be Proud #R2bP: Agricultural Sciences lecturer at Nelson Mandela University, Dr Qinisani Qwabe, has been appointed Chairperson of the Australian-Africa Universities Early Career Researchers Network (AAUECRsN) Forum.


The election occurred during the recent Australian-Africa Universities Network (AAUN) Forum at the University of Mpumalanga, Mbombela, which was themed “Sustainable Development in Action—The 2030 Horizon and the Role of Higher Education.”

University representatives gathered to examine how African and Australian higher education systems are transitioning and contributing towards achieving sustainability.

An Early Career Researchers Network (ECRsN) was established to advance science and nurture young talent.

“Being appointed chairperson for this forum was unexpected but it means a great deal to me. It signifies recognition of my potential leadership qualities and commitment to fostering growth and development within the early career researcher’s community,” said Dr Qwabe.

“As Chairperson, I would be able to advocate for the needs and concerns of early career researchers, provide support, and facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities. It is an honour and a responsibility which I take seriously”.

The network comprises 14 African and nine Australian university members who share the goal of strengthening partnerships within the network and building an inclusive and sustainable global community.

Kenya’s Dr Sussy Munialo from ARUA-SFS (ARUA CoE in Sustainable Food Systems), will be serving as the Network’s Deputy Chairperson.  

This leadership experience would be to the advantage of Mandela University, and other researchers to be selected to join the network, said Dr Qwabe.

He will also work closely with the University’s Research Development Office to enhance support for early career researchers.

“This is especially important since the university is positioning itself as a research-led institution, and this cannot be achieved if minimal support is given to early career researchers,” said Dr Qwabe.

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