The Higher Education Disability Services Association (HEDSA) is a national advocacy and rights-based organisation representing disability services units within higher education institutions, as well as technical and vocational education and training colleges of South Africa.
It is recognised and endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and Training and has been accepted as a community of practice by Universities South Africa (USAF).
HEDSA’s core objectives include working towards ensuring equal opportunities for all students with disabilities at higher education institutions and TVET colleges.
Dialogue and critical reflection is stimulated and facilitated through the sharing and contribution of good practices for persons (in particular, students) with disabilities in higher education.
Equity, diversity and inclusivity are also promoted to support disability within all higher education institutions and TVET colleges.
One of the strategic goals that Dr Delubom will drive during her period is to ensure that institutions of higher learning create access for students who are Deaf and the advocacy for the capacitation of Sign Language interpreters to be professionals and to be included in academic institutions.
“I am delighted for this nomination, though I understand the dynamics and complexity of advocating for inclusive education. I believe that access and inclusion is a human right matter, and it is non-negotiable. It is time that the system that seems to be exclusive must fall”, Dr Delubom said.