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Change the world


Reasons to be Proud - #R2bP: Final year Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies student, Zikhona Matolengwe has been elected to serve on the EDHE (Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education) – a student entrepreneurship Community of Practice.

This prestigious accolade comes with the responsibility of imparting relevant knowledge, resources and best practices to support student entrepreneurs and to promote national EDHE projects.

Zikhona’s entrepreneurial journey started when she and her twin sister, Akhona, started Campus Clothing Clinic while living in the residence. Their business offers services such as clothing alterations, repairs, embroidery and tailoring and in 2019, Campus Clothing Clinic competed in the finals of the National EDHE Intervarsity competition.

“I am so honoured for this opportunity to serve and represent Nelson Mandela University on this platform,” she said.

The EDHE Programme aims to develop the entrepreneurial capacity of students, academics and leaders. The intention is for students to be more successful in terms of becoming economically active during and after their tertiary education.

Entrepreneurial activity during their studies could enable students to generate an additional income and fast-track the process of becoming economically active. Upon graduation, students would be able to consider entrepreneurship as a career, either as a first choice, or as an alternative, especially if they have difficulty in finding employment.

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Contact information
Mrs Karen Snyman
Specialist Student Entrepreneurship
Tel: 0832711909