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Reasons to be Proud - #R2bP: Lecturer in the School of Information Technology and PhD candidate, Vuyo Mdunyelwa, recently attended and presented a paper at the 4th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Young Scientist Forum (YSF), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  

In order for Vuyo to participate in this forum, he was required to submit an abstract on his PhD work and a compelling motivation, after which he presented at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics.

The YSF runs annually and focuses on a theme each year. The 2019 theme was "cyber security and bio-economy" Young science innovators were also invited to the Forum. Other topics discussed during the Forum included Women in Science, and Science diplomacy. 

The 2019 Forum was hosted by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC) of Brazil, and was attended by delegates from all of the BRICS countries.

The BRICS Young Scientist Forum has created a network to harness knowledge for solving common societal challenges through research and innovation. Research and development in the field of Science, Engineering and other allied disciplines received a substantial fillip as the BRICS Young Scientist Conclave created a pool of creative youth in Science &Technology. Accelerating both individual and collective change, the conclave built a BRICS leadership (BRICS Youth Alumni) and reinforced its regional STI policies, young skill development and entrepreneurship.