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Change the world


Reasons to be Proud - #R2bP: Two Mandela Uni Geosciences students won awards at the recent three-day annual Groundwater Conference in South Africa, attended in person and online by professionals and students involved in groundwater-related issues.

MSc in Geography student Natasha Gariremo, under the supervision of Dr Gaathier Mahed, won the best poster presentation voted by conference attendees entitled “Hydrogeological Modelling of a coastal wetland: The development of a steady-state numerical groundwater model for Rietvlei Wetland, Cape Town”.

BSc Geology honours student Sisipho Dlakiya won second place in in the best poster presentation category as well as second place the Gamification category for participation on the online platform interacting and meeting the exhibitors as well as posting in online forums. Aarifah Williams won third place in the Gamification category.

Students from all South African and international universities are invited to participate, together with governmental and private companies, sharing the current groundwater related work in progress. A total of 17 posters were presented and 40 oral presentations.

“We need to develop skills to more effectively manage the water issues we have here in the province. We are all studying groundwater to help the City to improve its resources”, Sisipho said about the current water crisis in the metro.

The team also found the use of chemicals such as isotopes, to fingerprint and understand the sources of groundwater interesting.

The Mandela Uni team at the Groundwater Conference, from left, Lesedi Sipuka, James Berkland, Akhona Maqhubela, Bamanye Takashe, Bongeka Maphumulo, Aarifah Williams and in front Sisipho Dlakiya. Inset: Natasha Gariremo


Contact information
Dr Gaarthier Mahed
Executive Deputy Dean: Faculty of Science