The KaziHealth mobile app integrates three lifestyle interventions namely, physical activity, nutrition and stress management to guide individuals in achieving their personal health goals. Education, motivation and self-monitoring are provided within the KaziHealth app to keep individuals motivated and informed and to ultimately make healthier lifestyle choices and decrease health risks.
Dr Pandula Siribaddana, the coordinator of the Health Awards, confirmed that Kazihealth has been selected as a finalist in the 'Health Education' category. Among the finalists are submissions from UK, Australia, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, India and Slovenia.
“In making the selection, the Awards focused on areas of novelty, innovativeness, market potential, frugalness and the evidence base behind the work,” Siribaddana said.
Prof Darelle van Greunen, Director of the CCT, says since the beginning of the pandemic, the COVID-19 has highlighted the value that digital health solutions can bring to patients – whether that’s managing patients in their home environments, reducing the burdens and risks associated with travel to clinics, or streamlining care pathways in hospitals.
“Adopting technology can help clinical teams in healthcare systems across the globe manage patients more efficiently and deliver improved outcomes. Solutions such as KaziHealth provide just a small glimpse of the difference that digital health solutions can make. The workplace health promotion programme educates and improves health behaviours in individuals, providing support for patients who and engagement with support teams.
“The recognition of being listed as a finalist in the Commonwealth Digital Health Awards will again underscore not only the importance of digital health solutions, but also the fact that locally developed solutions can compete globally,” she added.
The development of this KaziHealth Application was supported by the Novartis Foundation. Furthermore, it was a collaboration project with the University of Basel and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH).
A date is yet to be announced for the virtual presentations and judging as well as the virtual awards ceremony and the announcement of the winners.
For further information or interviews, please contact Prof Darelle van Greunen on 082 564 2356