On 3 May 2018 an email headed “UNIVERSITY UPDATE – 3 MAY 2018”, was sent out via MEMO. A copy of the interim Court Order obtained on 3/05/2018 was attached to the MEMO.
The abovementioned court order was an interim order due to be made a final order, on 5 June 2018, provided the requirements for service of such order had been carried out. These included posting the order on the official University websites and social media platforms as well as displaying it on the doors of all University libraries. All the aforementioned steps were carried out, except displaying it on the Bird Street Campus library, which has led to a postponement of the final order being granted.
To this end, the University wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the Rule nisi has been extended to 19 June 2018.
A copy of the Court Order of Postponement is attached hereto and will further be displayed on the university websites, on social media platforms and at the entrances to the libraries on all the University campuses.
For background:
The University obtained a court order stipulating the rules around the resumption of operations at the University on Thursday (3 May 2018) following barricading of campus entrances.
The main purpose of the interdict is to protect the rights and safety of those who wish to access the University to work and/or pursue their studies, while also allowing for the right to protest in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the interdict. These include that protesting students conduct themselves in a manner that does not:
interfere with, obstruct or disrupt university business and academic operations;
damage property;
contravene University rules; as well as
intimidate other students or staff.