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Dr Savo Heleta of the Office for International Education will be honoured with an award for his article “Decolonisation of higher education: Dismantling epistemic violence and Eurocentrism in South Africa”, published in the journal Transformation in Higher Education (2016).

This article has already been cited more than 80 times and has been downloaded more than 27,000 times since October 2016. It was also the most cited article in 2018 within all Humanities and Social Sciences scholarly journals published by AOSIS, an African scholarly open-access publisher based in South Africa.

The article shares Dr Heleta’s views on the roots of Eurocentrism and epistemic violence at universities and argues that South Africa must completely rethink, reframe and reconstruct the curriculum and place South Africa, Southern Africa and Africa at the centre of teaching, learning and research.

The award will be handed over to Dr Heleta at the AOSIS Laureatus 2019 event on 10 April at the North-West University, Potchefstroom and will be live streamed on AOSIS’s social media pages.

Read the article

Contact information
Dr Savo Heleta
Manager: Internationalisation at Home and Research
Tel: +27415044780