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Nosiviwe Matikinca, 2023 Sasol New Signatures Art Competition Winner and Visual Arts Degree graduate from Nelson Mandela University, will hold her first solo exhibition, titled Ukungalingani Kwezemfundo (Educational Inequality), alongside the Sasol New Signatures 2024 exhibition at the Pretoria Art Museum from 5 September to 3 November.


Her acclaimed work in 2023 shed light on the difficulties learners from under resourced backgrounds face in public schools, particularly emphasising the gaps in basic necessities such as school shoes.

The fragile clay castings of school shoes are featured once again, but with enhanced significance in the context of a solo exhibition.

For this solo show, Matikinca expanded her artistic exploration beyond ceramics to include printmaking and castings in various materials. She remarked, “For my solo exhibition, I chose to continue the narrative from 2023, to raise awareness and educate the public about the struggles of learners from underprivileged backgrounds.

My artwork reflects the overcrowded classrooms and the shortage of school tables, where students are forced to share or make do with broken tabels. The carvings on these tables symbolise the distraction and struggle of the learners amid the overcrowding and noise.”

Cate Terblanche, Sasol’s Art Curator, elaborates on the importance of clay in Matikinca’s work: “Clay is fundamental to understanding Matikinca’s art. Its organic nature allows it to be moulded and shaped, and it transforms during the firing process.

This material reflects not only the educational system’s role in shaping young minds and futures but also highlights the fragility of the public schooling system in South Africa.”

Born in Cape Town and raised in Hermanus, Matikinca attended Cedar High School of the Arts and took additional art classes at the Peter Clarke Art Centre. After returning to Hermanus, she furthered her art education at the Enlighten Education Trust under the Zimbabwean artist Ashleigh Temple-Camp.

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Ms Elma de Koker
Internal Communication Practitioner
Tel: 041-504 2160