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Ohms Kayama will cap off an exceptional academic journey at Nelson Mandela University with a Master of Laws (LLM) degree, after he was reluctantly accepted without having a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree.


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The soon-to-be double law graduate gained entrance into the LLM programme because of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

His other qualifications include a Diploma and B degree in Human Resources Management, a Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and a BCom Law.

The 37-year-old Namibian citizen initially completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Law Practice at Mandela Uni in 2018, and vowed to return for the LLM, which he would later pass with a treatise distinction.

Ohms registered for an LLB degree at the University of Nambia soon after and completed it in 2023.

His master’s treatise, which is to be published in either PER or the South African Law Journal is titled: “Regulation of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in Namibia”.

The treatise aimed at answering to what extent Namibia’s legislative framework regulates sexual harassment in the workplace.

His study compared Namibia’s legislative framework to South Africa, and found that although Namibia regulates sexual harassment, some gaps still exist, these include:

  • Ambiguity in the current definition of sexual harassment in section 5(7)(b) of the LA, which is not comprehensive. This could hinder victims’ ability to seek justice.
  • Inefficacy of reporting structures, which contributes to underreporting and unresolved cases.
  • Absence of comprehensive workplace policies against sexual harassment.
  • Lastly, insufficient protection for whistleblowers and victims.

The gaps identified were used to determine whether lessons could be learnt from South Africa.

Ohms noted that “the Namibian constitution does not mention labour practices, making it challenging to appeal sexual harassment to the Supreme Court of Namibia on the grounds of constitutionality”. “Contrary to the South African Constitution which expressly forbids unfair labour practices”.

The treatise found that Namibia must take cues from South Africa and include sexual harassment in automatically unfair dismissal disputes.

Professionally, Ohms is currently employed as an Employee Relations (ER) specialist at Standard Bank Namibia.

He has been headhunted by First National Bank and will commence a new role as the ER Chairperson, immediately after graduation.

Even with his current academic and professional feats, Ohms dreams of being an Advocate or a Judge.