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Change the world


The national lockdown might have had its challenges, but professional dancer and aspiring  videographer Kris Swartbooi used it to her advantage by producing a self-reflective documentary focusing on how to navigate your way through this difficult time.

And to her surprise, her work was included in an annual final-year film exhibition at Nelson Mandela University.


The 20-year-old Swartbooi of Humewood completed her BA media communication and culture degree at NMU and hopes to graduate in April.

“After filming and submitting the assignment, which I thought was not my best work, my lecturer Dr Subeshini Moodley thought it would be a great addition to the annual final-year film exhibition.”

The self-reflective documentary titled Locked in Dance was an assignment for an integrated task.

“We had options between film genres, one being a narrative film,” she said.

“In all honesty, the pressures of university had kicked in, so I was choosing the easy option — a self-reflective documentary — and chose to use it as a lockdown diary.

This article was written by Roslyn Baatjies-Klaasen and appeared in The Herald on 15 January 20201. Read the full story at:

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